Subcontracting Awards

The Awards constitute a Ceremony of Celebration and Reward of the Top Management of Companies. Awards are based on specific criteria; a set of key indicators and standards followed by the Cameroon Outsourcing and Partnership Exchange to measure and monitor performance development. The winners will be selected by a specialized committee that will evaluate the entities efforts against various parameters. Here are the different price categories:

It was established to encourage quality improvements in the manufacturing and service sectors in the area of ​​contracting out. Quality award winners are judged on the basis of significant achievements in customer satisfaction through their dedication to providing quality products and/or services comparable to their peers. This award offers huge benefits to all sectors of the industry and helps provide many branding and advertising opportunities. The impact of the Quality Awards is a tribute to the efforts of different companies that have created references in their respective fields thanks to their products; quality services and administration.

Employee safety comes first in all areas of our business. The commitment to ensure "Zero Harm to People and the Environment" is a strategic objective. HSE Awards aims to recognize the contributions of individuals, government and private entities and partners for their role in improving overall HSE performance, the award aims to promote a spirit of competition among companies that adopt the highest HSE practices in various facilities.

Established by the Cameroon Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange, it aims to reward a company for its global policy in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. It is divided into 6 (six) price categories:

Rewards initiatives aimed at better management of resources (water, raw materials, biodiversity, etc.), reduction of energy consumption (CO2 emissions, energy efficiency, renewable energies, transport, optimization of circuits and logistics flows), initiatives related to the reduction of waste upstream (supplier relations, optimization of production, eco-design) and downstream (management and recovery of expired products, overstocks, unsold products and packaging).

Rewards initiatives aimed at enriching the range of sustainable development products (responsible sourcing, pollution prevention, short circuit, local, seasonal, organic, fair trade products), the choice of assortment.

Rewards initiatives carried out jointly between a company and one or more of its Partners (suppliers or distributors) to implement a common CSR project, and/or to support suppliers in their CSR initiatives.

Rewards the best innovative information or service approach, for the benefit of the consumer. This includes in particular steps in favor of more transparency on the composition, the method of manufacture or the origin, raising awareness for better use of the product and its packaging, the reduction of waste, etc.

Rewards initiatives aimed at improving the company’s social performance: well-being at work, diversity, cohesion, the professional and personal development of employees, the socio-economic footprint on the territory, integration, duty of care etc.

Rewards commitments made to civil society in different possible forms. Examples: sponsorship (particularly social, cultural, scientific, sporting), involvement in associations, anchoring in local life, development aid.

The main victims of late payments, SMEs are all the more in danger when their cash flow is low. Late payment directly leads to the risk of internal disorganization and a significant drop in the morale of the company’s managers and employees. The productivity of the company drops, and its growth potential with it. It is the whole economy of a country, on a large scale, which is at stake. This target price is essential to stimulate the Principals to respect payment deadlines.

SMEs can hardly develop without Big Businesses; while Large Companies lose competitiveness without SMEs. Strengthening their relationship is therefore a source of mutual enrichment. This national priority guarantees the existence of a dynamic economic fabric capable of attracting international productive investments. The GE-PME award aims to strengthen the relationship between the two types of companies for their respective advantages.

The results of the Awards will be announced at an annual awards ceremony organized by the Cameroon Outsourcing and Partnership Exchange. The gala will also reward strategic partners and innovative and vigilant government entities in various fields mentioned above. Winners and laureates will receive certificates and a trophy.

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