Establishment of service offers (commercial, technical and financial offers) with a view to building the capacities of smes in the mechanical engineering-civil engineering-electrical engineering sectors to be provided to major extractive companies
Start date and time : 11 August 2022 09:00 End date and time : 12 August 2022 16:00 Place : Hôtel BANA PALACE, Akwa-Douala
This skills development program targets personnel from companies in the Mechanical Engineering sectors; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering.
It is intended for existing Cameroonian SMEs/SMIs wishing to strengthen the capacities of their staff in order to qualitatively improve their skills in order to remain competitive on the subcontracting market.
Target:Givers and recipients of orders (members of the BSTP and special guests).
Objective of the seminar
Understand the role and place of service offerings in B2B relationships; Master the different types of service offers; Know how to write a service offer in order to win markets and differentiate yourself from the competition.
- General information on the service offers :
The different types of service offerings.
- Drafting a service offer :
The structure of a service proposal;
Tips for differentiating;
Respond to an offer ;
The specificities of the technical and financial offer.
- Practice :
Drafting of an example of a service offer in its entirety.
Download the registration form :
An event of:
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