
For 2/3 of companies, the public procurement system is “non-transparent”

In its Study on the diagnosis of the vulnerability of SMEs and their accessibility to public procurement in Cameroon, the World Bank scans the key elements of the procurement procedure, the satisfaction of business leaders of which is generally below average. In the process, we learn that "94% of the companies surveyed consider the system of awarding public procurement contracts and the allocation of administrative purchase orders (BCA) in Cameroon to be non-transparent", reveals the institution.

According to the survey conducted by the World Bank, also Cameroon's leading multilateral partner in the first quarter of 2024 according to data from the Autonomous Amortization Fund (CAA), 39.51% of companies decry cases of corruption of public officials, 48.38% deplore the lack of information, 11.61% the complexity of procedures for SMEs. This diagnosis is made while Cameroon launched more than 5 years ago the project to dematerialize public procurement procedures, called "Cameroon On-Line E-procurement System" (Coleps). The said tool was then aimed at reducing human contact which very often fosters corruption. However, according to the companies surveyed by the World Bank, 75.9% of them are not aware of it.

Attachment(s) :
Rapport FINAL - Etude sur la participation des PME aux Marchés Publics - Cameroun V9 260624.pdf

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