Douala, november 21, 2024 – a look back at supplier day : a promising partnership for smes in cameroon
The Bourse de sous traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun recently organised a Supplier Day in collaboration with the DOUALA CITY COUNCIL and the Port Autonome de Kribi. This event was held on November 21, 2024, from 8:00 a.m., in the Akwa Festival Hall in Douala.
This meeting was a valuable opportunity for local Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as representatives of DOUALA CITY COUNCIL and Port Autonome de Kribi presented their current projects as well as their subcontracting needs. The main objective was to create synergies between SMEs and large companies, thus strengthening the local economic fabric.
The Bourse de sous traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun, a public-private platform dedicated to the promotion of SMEs in the industrial subcontracting sector, is committed to providing SMEs with access to relevant information on market opportunities. The Supplier Day prepared companies to respond effectively to the requirements of these projects, thus contributing to their growth and development.
Participants had the opportunity to meet key players in the sector and make valuable contacts, fostering an environment conducive to collaboration and innovation. This event is part of the Bourse de sous traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun 's mission to boost the subcontracting sector in Cameroon.
The Bourse de sous traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun thanks all the actors present for their participation and commitment, which made this day a success. Feedback from participants underlines the importance of such events for the future of SMEs in Cameroon.