Participants satisfied with the seminar on subcontracting cost analysis
The about ten participants who tookpart in the seminar on the analysis of subcontracting costs returned satisfiedwith the quality of the lessons
The Cameroon Subcontracting and Partnership Exchangeorganized for the benefit of its members on July 22 and 23 at the Bano PalaceHotel in Douala a seminar on the analysis of subcontracting costs applied tomaintenance.
The ten participants, all business executives, learnedabout maintenance and its function within an organization or business and moreabout the analysis and application of related costs.
After defining the different concepts, Arthur NanaNgongang, Asset Management Consultant and main facilitator of the seminar andhis assistants, presented the importance of analyzing the costs of the work tobe subcontracted and the different costs involved. This will then be followedby the issue of maintenance costs and the actual analysis of these costs.
Arthur Nana Ngongang, will thus make our point thatthere are several types of costs including direct and indirect costs,corrective or preventive maintenance costs, among others. The analysis itselfalso includes several headings, none of which should be overlooked. The finalobjective according to the trainers being to reduce the expenses related toequipment by minimizing the overall cost of it.
The two days devoted to the seminar turned out to beshort for the learners who still want more. “We learned a lot, but for me thetime allowed was short, especially for someone who is not a specialist in thefield,” says participant Noula from Build Pabusco. “This training allowed me tochange my vision and enlightened me on a number of points that I did not takeinto account when approaching customers and executing quotes. This will bechanged in the future. I will not hesitate to register to participate in othersimilar training courses,” says Ngeutchouang of the company Génie IndustrielGroup.
The BSTP has alreadyscheduled another training for August 11 and 12. This time it will focus on theestablishment of service offers.