SPX: vision, role & objectives

The main objective of the Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange is to provide local manufacturing companies with the tools and services that will improve their performance...

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SPX: membership fees and contributions

Membership of the Stock Exchange is open to any structure or institution operating in the subcontracting business...

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Directory of industrial subcontracting

The directory is a key information and communication tool which makes it possible to locate subcontracting SMEs/SMIs, aims to strengthen links between them and with large contractor companies....

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BSTP-CMR: Technical documentation

Technical documentation, specialized and constantly updated.

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Making visible the activities of the Cameroon Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange (SPX-CMR) is of paramount importance both for the technical team and for our main members and partners. For the purposes of the cause, we have a communication and promotion department whose mission is to increase the visibility of the BSTP and share useful information with our target.

To achieve its ends, the SPX-CMR, GIE created on May 8, 2013 by the Cameroonian government, the result of a public/private partnership and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of SMEs, has set up a website. We have just « redesigned » it to be even closer to our members, give them as much information as possible on subcontracting and allow them to post announcements, among other things.

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Volume of activities

Number of SMEs/SMIs profiled
Number of SMEs/SMIs Benchmarketed
Total number of jobs created
Number of SMEs/SMIs supported
Number of connections
Total number of contracted SMEs/SMIs
Total number of buyers found
Total number of contracts
Total amount of contracts (In billions of XFA)



Co-contracting is promoted by supporting business clusters.

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Sector Studies

These studies contain a set of basic information on the different aspects of the sector which makes them a reference document.

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Online formation

BSTP Cameroon deploys activities so that subcontracting companies can, thanks to advice and services by it, improve their skills, their capacities and above all their competitiveness.

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Technology Transfer

The SPX has the vocation to find for a Cameroonian SMI / SME a counterpart foreign company of comparable size, established in the same profession and efficient and registered or not in a stock exchange of subcontracting of the UNIDO global network.

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Financing facilities

The Cameroon Subcontracting and Partnership Stock Exchange (SPX-CMR) has encouraged the establishment of a Mutual Guarantee Company and is working for its operationalization and sustainability.

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Profiling is one of the main activities of the SPX which allows in-depth knowledge of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by identifying technical and financial capacities, human skills and business needs.

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Supplier Development Program

The SPX, thanks to the services and advice it delivers, is able to encourage and organize the development of suppliers, but also to follow the evolution of the developments undertaken.

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At SPX CAMEROON, a local technical team, supported by UNIDO, works directly with networks of key industrial buyers to identify their specific subcontracting opportunities and then identify with potential and relevant local suppliers.

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This allows companies to objectively assess their skills, clearly see where they stand against international practices in their industry (nationally, regionally and globally), and where they need to upgrade to meet requirements. of the buyer.

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Legal advice

This component, carried out jointly by a legal advisor, and the SPX-CMR could be called « Improving access to justice for SMEs » with the main objective of bringing together legal assistance for companies.

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Our partners



Joining the SPX-CMR means giving yourself the opportunity to improve your performance, integrate the value chain of major projects, large companies and benefit from exclusive advantages.


The Importance of Local Content for Cameroonian SMEs and VSEs

The executive director of the Bourse de sous-traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun (BSTP) emphasizes the relevance of the recent workshop in Douala aimed at finalizing and validating a local [...]

Douala, November 21, 2024 – A look back at Supplier Day : A Promising Partnership for SMEs in Cameroon

The Bourse de sous traitance et de partenariat du Cameroun recently organised a Supplier Day in collaboration with the DOUALA CITY COUNCIL and the Port Autonome de Kribi. This event [...]


What our members say about us.

Thanks to the SPX-CMR, we have won the market for the installation of air conditioners from the technical service of the Urban Community of Douala and the market for the replacement of underground cables from SONARA. Also, the economic missions under the leadership of the BSTP have enabled us to understand the functioning and organization of Western SMEs and to explore areas of partnership. We were able to correct our management system thanks to the training received.

David Mitterrand Ngongang


We gained a lot from the SPX. Especially at the level of state-of-the-art training, namely the training and certification of five of our welders to international American welding standards. Before I had to pay 15 to 30,000 F per day and per approved welder that I recruited for my sites, today my welders having been trained and approved thanks to the SPX, I no longer have the slightest penny to release. We can only thank the BSTP. We say Congratulations to the SPX-Cameroon!!!

Syrile Donfack


Training received at the BSTP has enabled us to improve the satisfaction of our customers. The networking organized by the BSTP during economic missions and international fairs enabled us to find partners suited to our needs and to sign contracts for the supply of machine tools. The Benchmarking activity of the BSTP has enabled us to lower the complaint rate of our customers (7% to 4%); the accident rate reduced to less than 3% and an improvement in delivery times.

Marcel Tangue Bou

CEO of CCMM Sarl

Following the Supplier Day organized by the SPX-CMR with the KPDC for the benefit of SMEs/SMIs, we won the market for the installation of video surveillance equipment at the KPDC. We are proud to have won this market, but especially that our company is now taken into account in the portfolio of KPDC suppliers. We praise the support of the BSTP and count on it to benefit more from the connection with large companies.

Séraphin Nzima


The SPX is an important player in the development and growth of Cameroonian SMEs/SMIs. It allowed us to participate in the IESS exhibition in March 2020 in India. At the end of the networking and exchanges which were focused on supply, representation and technical support, we sealed a partnership with a company that makes industrial electrodes for the distribution of its products in Cameroon according to the needs of local customers. .

Lele Henri Jean Bernard


Thanks to the SPX, we were convinced of our ability to bid and win contracts. It was through a friend who himself had experienced the support of the Cameroon Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange that we came into contact with this institution. The information made available to us by the BSTP enabled us to bid and win the three-year maintenance contract for the SONARA inverter fleet.

Bienvenue Solefack

promoter of SBES SARL

The SPX is a partner of choice. It is thanks to the SPX that we have for the first time obtained the contract relating to the maintenance of factory lighting and access to SONARA. One day we received an email from the SPX which was accompanied by three open tender notices at SONARA. We immediately mobilized and bought all three. We tendered and won the one relating to the maintenance of factory and access lighting.

Mathurin Nguehou Zebaze



Working visit of UNIDO Central Africa Resident Representative 2021

PAK 2021 Orientation Advisory Committee

Visit of the SOMCO company by MINPMEESA and the Head of Delegation of the European Union 2020

Visit of the SIMTECH 3D company by MINPMEESA and the Head of Delegation of the European Union 2020

Visit of CEB La Meublerie by MINPMEESA and the Head of Delegation of the European Union 2020

Visit of the CCMM company by MINPMEESA and the Head of Delegation of the European Union 2020

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B.P: 12899 Douala
Akwa building KASSAP 8th floor, CAMEROON


+237 696 46 67 19

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